
It's hard to explain.
That was Mike Hanlon.
He's an old friend.

- I have to...
- Shut up.

Just shut up! The day I make
a great deal for you...

:33:12 want to run off with an old
boyfriend? What do you take me for?

I've seen this coming.
You've forgotten your manners,
little girl.

Contradicting me here, smarting off
there, and now this!

You've forgotten your lessons.
- It's been too long since last time.
- Put that thing down.

I have to get to O'Hare
as fast as I can.

There's some trouble,
some very bad trouble.

It's come back, Beverly.
It's come back. Remember your promise.

- Put these clothes back.
- No.

- You get into bed.
- No!

Then leave this house...
:33:54 two days instead of two weeks.
Not ever, ever again!
Listen. If you ever
come near me again...

...I will kill you. Do you understand?
I will kill you.
Bev, you need me!
- O'Hare, please.
- What airline, miss?

I need to go to Maine.
We'll find one that goes to Maine.
What's in Maine? Family?

The best I ever had.
Daddy, breakfast is ready!
I'll get it.
