Kid%C3%B4 keisatsu patoreb%C3%A2: The Movie

That's a rotten attitude !
Until the First
Unit comes back...

...we're the only ones who can
protect this city from criminals !

And who's gonna protect
our human rights ?

We don't have any !!
isn't it Shinshi ?

Yeah...I've only been home
three times this month.

It's a certified
marriage crisis.

That's why you shouldn't
have gotten married !

Stationed in the middle of the reclaimed lands,
far away from your family...

But hey, aren't we getting
more dispatches these days ?

Call from sector 7,
205 at Shimoya, Taitoh Ward !

Second Unit report to the site !
Repeat, 205 at Shimoya,
Taitoh Ward...

As soon as you said it.

Let's Go !!
Roll out the trailer !
Hurry up with that
revolver cannon !

I'll personally murder any
slow-pokes, so move it !

A dangerous Labor is out of
control and moving this way !

Please evacuate the area !
Run !!
Didn't you hear me ? I said run !
Oh, here it comes !!

This is Sakura Fubuki 12 to
Chief Goto of SV2, Second Unit.

The target's a Yotsubishi Tyrant 2000,
from a construction site on Kokusai Street.

It's moving at 4km an hour and
destroying civilian buildings.

Shinohara, keep going along the
river; try to get ahead of the Labor.

Yes, sir !
Unit #2, start up immediately
and pursue the target.

Roger !
