Kidô keisatsu patorebâ: The Movie

You mean Hoba Eiichi,
the programmer ?

Hoba Eiichi, the ace of Shinohara's
software development division.

He's the genius who
single-handedly developed HOS.

Or rather,
he was...

Estimated age: 30.
Returned from MlT in '97...
...and was immediately hired
by Shinohara Heavy lndustries.

Address unknown. Profile unknown.
Criminal record unknown.

Approximately 170cm. Physical character,
including major illnesses unknown...

What lS this ?
Not only Shinohara's personnel computer,
but school, city hall...

...and all of his personal
records have been erased.

He's far past the
point of suspiscion...

Then it's a piece of cake.
Just bust him and bring
him in for questioning.

We can't.
Can't ?
Why ?
Five days ago he was sent to
the Shinohara line at the Ark...

and jumped into the sea.

His body was never found.
We certainly started
a bit late on this.

Just when we started
sniffing around HOS...

If we'd only done
something earlier...Dammit.

Oh, well.
Bug...program...Either way it
looks like HOS is the culprit.

Now we have to figure out the big picture,
and how Hoba fits in.

We'll leave the investigation
of Hoba to Matsui, and...

why are you making a face ?

Then you knew it
was HOS all along.

Boy, do l look like a fool,
working all night...
