Kidô keisatsu patorebâ: The Movie

1-3 Eiichi Hoba...
Hey !
It's in English...
``He bound the heavens also, and came down,
and darkness was under his feet''

...It's one of the psalms
in the Old Testament.

It must've been written
there by Hoba himself.

But l still can't believe you
found the house where he was born.

It was nothing. All l did was trace address
changes and that's where l ended up.

But that's it,
l can't go any further...dead end.

That area of town was
deserted during the 80s...

...when there was that sharp
increase in land prices.

After the National Land
Act it was forgotten.

But how strange this city is...
As l traced his path l started to feel
as though time were leaving me behind...

What you think of as a familiar sight
starts to rot away here and there...
