Kindergarten Cop

John is a bit unusual.
You are.
I was born in Austria.
My father was a teacher.
My mother was a teacher.
So is Ursula.
We have a tradition in Austria
where we follow
the footsteps of our parents.

So when I moved
to this country...

I taught geography
and physical education
in Arizona...

and then I coached basketball
at an all-girls school
in Rhode Island, but...

none of it made me
really happy.

Why weren't you happy?
Ja. Why weren't you happy?
Well, I got tired of
teaching teenagers...

because by the time
they came to me...

I felt there wasn't
much I could do with them.

I realized that the real action
is in kindergarten.

How long have you been
teaching kindergarten?

It's my second day.
Ooh, excuse me,
but it's good.

It is good.
Thanks again.
Nice to meet you.
Thank you.
I had a great time.
Ja, me, too.
Well, Kimble,
I think you scored.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.
What are you talking about?
I'm only interested in her
because she works
at the school.

She knows the children
and the parents.

If you were any stiffer...
we could take you surfing.
Now, I know you
like that woman.

What is your problem?
The only problem I've got
is that I'm doing your job.
You should be
cleaning up the paint

and reading stories
about bears that go shopping.

I'm stuck with your job.
Yeah. You are.
That's right. I am.
Look, you're going
to be out of here

in a few days.
You told me yourself
you had a few good leads.

You'll be back dealing
with junkies and murderers

in no time.
