Memphis Belle

The target for today is Bremen.
We have a chance to make a difference
in this war...

:27:18 let's do the best job we can.
Leave the rest in the hands of God.
With luck, it'll all be over soon,
and we can go back home to our families.

Good luck. Over to you, Major Comstock.
Good morning. Sergeant, get the lights.
This is our target area.
They're long rectangular buildings.
The only rectangular ones there...

:27:41 you can't miss them. Note the
S-shaped road to the factory for sighting.

The Flugzeugbauer factory is a major
assembly plant for 190 fighter planes.

Now, you're leading the group today...
...360 planes are bombing
on your command...

:27:55 let's be accurate.
This is a civilian area here.

This is a hospital. These are houses.
This is a school and a playground.

Note the railway tracks, north northwest.
Bremen? Oh, we're dead men.
We're dead.

-Shut up, Rascal!
-You shut up!

Clay, what are the odds today?
They'll overload us with bombs...
:28:19 it's 30 to 1 we'll crash
and blow up on takeoff.

They'll throw every fighter they got at us--
-Skip the gory details.
-Basically, we're finished.

Chief's coming.
