Predator 2

Wanna make me proud, kid?
Take your bag of tricks, stay with them,
find out where they take her.

Meet me later at La Cita's.
And be careful. These guys are good.

Hey, don't worry!
Surveillance is my specialty.

OK, then. Just get going.
( chuckles ) Go get 'em, Lone Ranger.
Danny, look here. We gotta take this real cool.
These guys sure aren't the DEA,
but it's still Keyes's party.

You stick around, stay out of sight.
I'll meet you at one o'clock.

We'll take a good look at that room, OK?
Hey, wait for me.

( distorted ) Danny boy,
no hero stuff, understand?

( echoing ) Dan-Dan-Danny boy.
( Mike ) Watch your ass, Danny boy.
( # dance music )
( Jerry ) She never made it.
The feds were waiting.
Hustled her off in a chopper.
- Let me guess. A silver Alouette?
- That very one.

And guess what. Your pal Keyes was
running the whole show. And his butt boys.

Son of a bitch.
You done real good, kid.
Now tomorrow, start a tail on Keyes.
Everything he does, everywhere he goes.
Who knows? You might just get lucky.
:30:37 my specialty.
Yeah. I bet it is.
Now, if you'll excuse me, Lieutenant,
I got some serious police work to attend to.

Come to Papa.
- Hey, are your balls OK?
- Fine.

How are yours?
