Presumed Innocent

Read the fucking report.
-This report?

This report? The chemist's report?
Yeah, the chemist's report.
She had a two percent solution
of nonoxynol-9 in her vagina.

A spermicide used with a diaphragm.
That's why his sperms were dead.

Diaphragm? You missed a diaphragm
in the autopsy?

No. You've been to autopsies.
You slice her wide open.

No diaphragm in that lady.
What happened to it?
Somebody took it.
I think it's a setup.
This man...
:29:39 her lover. He comes over.
They have drinks.

This lady has intercourse with him.
Real nice. Okay?

But he's an angry guy.
Picks up something, kills her.

Tries to make it look like rape.
Ties her up.
Pulls out the diaphragm.
That's what I think.
What does Tommy Molto think?
You got his phone number right there.
Want to jot it down in case you need it?

Next time you talk to him...
...tell him to call me so I can find out...
...what's going on
in my own fucking investigation.

:30:19 tell Molto, and you tell Nico, too...
...that this is cheap, cheap politics.
Cheap Police Department bullshit.
God better help them and help you, too.
I can't make a case for tampering.

Our poll shows Della Guardia's leading
Horgan by four percent. Eight days left.

At least it's made somebody happy.
I don't want to see you out of here.
Come on, pal. We're old news.
I'd miss you. Who else here can talk
morality and ethics and not break me up?

Voters smell an exhausted man who's lost
sight of all the important issues.

Issues? Bullshit.
The only issue is Raymond Horgan
has respect for the law...

...and Nico Della Guardia will fuck the law
for politics. That's the issue.
