Presumed Innocent

Have you ever been to an lrish wake?
Come on over and pull up a glass.
Know what Della Guardia
is going to find out?

You run for office because...
:31:18 think you can make people do things,
make things better.

But you can't.
Nobody can.
You get a few potholes filled,
keep the lid on the best way you can.

But in the end...
...all you can do is try to hang on
to the fucking job.

I never used to drink when I started here.
Then, you still believed
you could make a difference.

Funny, part of me still does.
A guy as tough as you are...
:31:53're still hanging on
to the shreds of your ideals.

The shreds are all I got.
You're a good man, Rusty.
God bless you.
So, tell me, who's our bad guy?
It could be a boyfriend.
Some guy she picked up.

Whoever it is knew enough about her
to know what to make it look like.

Could be a law-enforcement type.
One of us.
You and Carolyn have a thing?
Don't beat around the bush.
Just come right out and ask the question.

I'll say that the decedent and I
were both single and both adults.

I had a thing with her.
She thought like everybody else thought...
...that I wasn't going to run again.
