Pretty Woman

I was sorry to hear
about your dad.

- When did he die ?
- Last month.

Do you miss him ?
I hadn't spoken to him
in fourteen and a half years.

I wasn't there
when he died.

- Do you want to talk about this ?
- No.

Well, I tell you what,
'cause I got an idea.

Let's watch old movies all night.
We'll just veg out in front of the TV.

- "Veg out" ?
- Yeah. Be still like vegetables.
Lay like broccoli.

Look, I'll tell you what. I'll be back.
We'll do broccoli tomorrow.

- Where are you going ?
- I'm going downstairs for a while.

Did you say
marriage license ?

Now, don't change the subject,
just give me the stamp.

Oh, I love you, Adam, Alex, Peter,
Brian, whatever your name is.

Oh, I love you.
[ Sighs ]
Hi, uh, I'm in the penthouse.
The guy that was here,

Mr. Lewis, have you seen him
down there anywhere ?

[Music][Music] [ Piano In Distance ]
