Pump Up the Volume

Yeah, I can smell it.
I can almost taste it--
the rankness in the air.

It's everywhere.
It's running through
that old pipeline out there...

trickling along
that dumb concrete river...

and coming up
through the drains...

of those lovely tract homes
we all live in.

So who is he?
He goes to Humphrey.
I mean, I don't know.
Everywhere I look,
it seems everything is sold-out.

They say this is where
the reception is the coolest.

Then he probably lives
right around here.

Fuckin' yuppies.
My dad sold out...
and my mom sold out years ago
when she had me.

And then they sold me out...
when they brought me
to this hole in the world.

Hey, they made me
everything I am today...

so, naturally,
I hate the bastards.

Speaking of which...
I'm running a contest...
on the best way to put them
out of their miseries.

we have number twelve...

of one hundred things
to do with your body...

when you're all alone.
Now, are you ready
for the incredible sound...

of Hard Harry
coming on his own face?

Oh, my God.
It's very possible, you know?
Are you listening to this?
Yeah, of course I'm listening.
Guy's gotta have hair
coming out of his palms.

This is a champion one.
Oh. There. Yeah.
Are you listening?
-Yeah, I'm going blind.
-He's doing it.
