Pump Up the Volume

This is great.
He's making it worse.

Suicide is wrong, but the
interesting thing about it...

is how uncomplicated it seems.
You know?
There you are,
you got all these problems...

swarming around in your brain,
and here is one simple--

one incredibly simple solution.
I'm just surprised it doesn't
happen every day around here.

Now, they're going to say I said
offing yourself was simple...

but no, no, no, it's not simple.
Like everything else,
you have to read the fine print.

For instance, assuming that
there is a Heaven...

who would ever want to go there?
You know?
I mean, think about it.

It's cool. You're sitting there
up on this cloud.

It's nice, you know, it's quiet.
There's no teachers...
there's no parents,
but guess what?

There's nothing to do.
It's fucking boring.
Another thing to remember
about suicide...

is that it is not
a pretty picture.

First of all,
you shit your shorts.

You know?
So, there you are, dead.
People are weeping
over you, crying.

Girls you never spoke to
are saying, "Why? Why? Why?"

And you have a load
in your shorts.

That's the way I see it.
Sue me.

Now, they're saying I shouldn't
think stuff like this.

They're saying that something
is wrong with me...

that I should be ashamed.
I'm sick of being ashamed.
I mean, aren't you?
Sick to death.
I don't mind being
dejected and rejected...

but I'm not going
to be ashamed about it.

At least pain is real.
You look around,
and you see nothing is real...

but at least pain is real.
Even this show isn't real.
This isn't me.
I'm using a voice disguiser.

I'm a phony fuck
just like my dad.

Just like anybody.
The real me is just as worried
as the rest of you.

They say I'm disturbed.
Of course I'm disturbed!
