Sibling Rivalry

When did you find out?
We got the call this morning.
Someone from the hotel
housekeeping staff found him.

Why was he staying
in a hotel, anyway?

He was supposed
to stay with us.

I spent over $900...
on new slipcovers
for the guest room.

Maybe he was too depressed
to be with anybody.

How would she know?
Marjorie gets depressed

Yeah. Every now and then,
I get a little blue.

What on God's earth did Charles
have to be depressed about?

Charles is gone.
I can't believe he's gone!

Why did he do it?
He left this note.
A note?
"My darkness descends deeper
than I knew it could."

"Enveloped in the blackness,
I search for some light."

"Maybe now...
Maybe this time."

What a beautiful note!
Did you really like the note?
Of course we like the note.
What kind of
a question is that?

A very insensitive one!
He should have been here,
where he belonged...

with his family
at his coming-home party.

Maybe he didn't
want to be here.

I have never seen you
this talkative before!

Children, I'm afraid
there are still...

certain details to discuss.
The funeral...
