Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Move it, will you?
You´re letting him
blow right by you!

Can you believe this guy?
Don´t just...
Ninja-kick the damn rabbit!
Do something!

April, you were great.
Thanks, Mikey.
She called me Mikey.
- Hear anything yet?
- Not yet.

They´re going to repeat the
interview at 5:00 and at 6:00...

and we´re going
to have to wait and see...

if it helps generate
any new information.

I told them
to call me here immediately...

if anyone calls the station.
Thanks, April.
We really appreciate,
you know, everything.

Forget it.
Where´s Raphael?
I was going to give you guys
a tour of the store.

Shall we go get him?
He just needs
to blow off some steam.

You must be studying the
abridged book of ninja fighting.

I mean, come on.
How do you guys
expect to beat me?

Good answer.
I only keep it open part-time,
mostly for my dad.

He loved junk. I don´t know.
I guess it´s kind of dumb
to lose money on a business...

just because
you miss your father.
