The Bonfire of the Vanities

I am not lying. I took the dog for a walk.
Then I came back here and wham!
I hardly know what to say.
You are asking me to prove
a negative proposition.

Negative proposition?
Oh, God, Sherman.
Listen to the way I sound.
Listen to the stress. Hear it?

I don't want to be this person. I don't.
I am thin and beautiful.
I do not deserve this.
Here's the phone. Call her from here.
I don't mind. I really don't mind.
You are cheap and rotten and a liar.
And you are dripping
on my Aubusson carpet.

She was right.
And Sherman knew it.
Christ! How could he have been so stupid?
A simple phone call.
The next day, Judy's words still rang
in his ears.

"Cheap, rotten and a liar. "
-Campbell, are we ready?
-I'm out of here.

Hold on.
Where is your mother?
She's crying on the Lifecycle.
"Crying on the Lifecycle. "
Like so many men before him,
he was no match for a woman's tears.

She won't kiss me because I'm all wet.
Campbell, come and give
your mother a kiss.

Why couldn't hejust say it:
"Look, Judy, I still love you.
"I still love our daughter,
our home, our life.
