The Bonfire of the Vanities

...graduated from high school,
on his way to college.

Somebody comes along,
some rich white people...

:30:12 a rich white man's car and wham!
They run him down and never even stop.
Now what'll we do
about these parking tickets?

First of all, Reverend.... Is it Reverend?
Is, was and always will be.
First of all, we have no evidence--
This is your evidence!
I'm sorry. I didn't see you.
Mrs. Lamb is not speaking to the police.
Until we have proper counsel,
I'll speak for her.

Fine. That's good.
I just want to get a few things straight.
The boy was hit by a car?

On Bruckner Boulevard!
Innocently walking along
minding his own business.

A clear case of hit-and-run.
But there were no witnesses.
Without a witness, you have no case.

You got what he told his mother.
It's hearsay.
You and I may believe it,
but it's not admissible in a court of law.

If this boy was born on Park Avenue...
...and was run down by two niggers
in a Pontiac...

...then you'd have a case, right?
I work Park Avenue
and Bruckner Boulevard.

There's good and bad in both places.
We'll try to help this lady...
...but there's not much to go on.
I want you to make an investment here.
An investment in steam control.
Steam control?
Steam control.
A righteous steam is building up
in the souls of my people.

And that steam is ready to blow!
I see.
On Judgment Day, I am your safety valve.
