The Exorcist III

. . .you punch a four-digit combo that
sends a signal to the control booth.

The inner door opens. The booth
operator checks through the glass.

-Every day, there's a new combination.
-l'd like to look around.

Lieutenant. . .
. . .Dr. Freedman's gone ballistic, sir.
You need to come.

Death, be not proud
Though some have called thee
Mighty and dreadful

Thou art not so
Though soonest our best men
With thee go

Rest of their bones
And soul's delivery

But those thou dost think'st
Thou dost overthrow

Die not, poor Death
Nor canst thou kill me
l was only 21 when l died.
We're a hospital, not a war zone.
How do you expect us to keep
people calm when you're--?

You need a court warrant
to do what you're doing!

l appreciate your trying
to prevent further tragedy.
