The Exorcist III

Now l'm just a traveling man.
One who moves.
l have dreams of a rose.
And falling down a long flight
of stairs.

l don't believe you're
the Gemini Killer.

You are issuing a clear invitation
to the dance.

-What does that mean?
-Never mind.

lncidentally, don't blame me
for that idiot Temple.

That was a suicide.
The man was a lunatic weakling.

Still, he helped me.
Are there services?
l would like to attend.

-Temple helped you?
-Of course! He brought you to me.

l told him if he failed
to convince you to come to me. . .

. . .that he would suffer
in unspeakable ways.

''Pain that cannot
be imagined,'' l said.

Poor superstitious fool, he believed
me. But he couldn't take the pressure.

-What pressure?
-The pressure of inimitable me.

Some other tasks l said l had
in mind for him.

Things. Little things.
Did Temple get you out of this cell?
Who gets you out?
Just friends.
Old friends.
