The Hunt for Red October

Russian subs have been reported
running Reykjanes Ridge at high speed.

- They had hyper-accurate maps.
- Yeah, Red Route One.

The front door to those canyons
was a location called Thor's Twins.

Right into Red Route One.
You may think I'm crazy, but I'll bet
we found some new Russian sub.

It's now headed for the Iceland coats.
A$40 million computer tells you
you're chasing an earthquake. -

- but you don't believe it. And you
come up with this on your own.

- Yes, sir.
- Relax you've sold me.

Plot us a course for the bottom end
of Red Route One.

We'll never find him in those canyons.
But first we'd better phone in.

Aye, aye, Captain.
Hang on, Jonesy.
If I can get you close enough,
can you track this sucker?

Now that I know what to listen for...
I'll bag him.

- Carry on.
- Yes, sir.

That's the craziest notion ever!
An entire nuclear submarine?

They can't all want to defect,
even if it's only the officers.
