White Hunter Black Heart

Hey, all that fancy flying back there
didn't bother you at all, did it?

No, not at all.
lt was your friend's idea.
l think he thought it was a good joke.

A joke?
What if the engines
would've stalled out?

Well, l was a bit worried, but the old boy
seemed awfully keen on his rib.

The old boy's a pain in the ass.
A bloody valet with wings.
That's what a pilot is out here.

Ranks right up there
with writers.

-That's what you do, is it?
-Yeah, that's what l do.

l was wondering what your part was.
l've got some very bloody funny stories
l should tell you.

A particularly good one was
when the squadron dog bit me in Khartoum.

-Was his name Horace?
-Horace? No, why?

Forget it.
-You must be Mr. Wilson.
-That's right. Mr. Zibelinsky.

-This is Pete Verrill and Hodkins, our pilot.

-Quite a place you have here, Mr. Zibelinsky.
-Thank you.
