White Hunter Black Heart

-You all right?
-l'm all right.

Come on, let's face it.
This country's too tough for us.

We're just characters from Vine Street.
We're not heroes out of one of your films.

Come on.
Get up.
You know, kid, we're gonna end up
together. When we're old, that is.

Probably live in a cabin up in the Sierras
and pan for gold. Have a couple mules.

Sit around the campfire at night.
Tell lies to each other.

-About all the things we've done.

The wars we fought. Books you've
written, movies l've made.

You know, l don't doubt that, John.
You'll need two, possibly three cameras
on the fire sequence, John.

lf you could just initial these plans,
l can go ahead and start construction.

lt was a risk to all of us.
A herd of cows can go rogue very quickly
if they have their young with them.

There have been rogue herds created in
Kenya and Tanganyika in just such a way.

And then they have to go out and
shoot every bloody one of them.

All right. All right. Forget it.
We'll try again tomorrow.

Tomorrow morning. Tomorrow afternoon,
we leave. l have another safari.
