Wild at Heart

Sailor boy!
How'd you like
to fuck Lula's mama?
No... ma'am...
I sure don't.
- Lula's mama would like to fuck you.

Mrs. Fortune, I really think
you need a cup of coffee.

Maybe I was there.
But I didn't see anything at all.
All I know is,
is that trash,

he killed a man
with his bare hands,

hands that are probably
all over my baby right now!

Oh, honey, settle down.
It's all right, come on now.
It's alright.
Now listen, I want
what's best for her too.

I'll do everything I can
to bring her back home, OK?

Baby, quit bouncing.
I got one more toe to do.

Let's go dancing, Peanut!
I'm ready.
But we better be careful.
Mama's gonna
have Johnnie Farragut after us.
