Barton Fink

vlastnický podíl,
vykoupili ho...

Necháváme ho tu.
Má rodinu.

Ubohý trouba.
Je citlivý.

Nezmiòuj se o starých èasech.
Ale, øíkej si co chceš.

Poslyš, když je ti to jedno,
budeš pracovat na
zápasnickém filmu... Wallace Beery.

Øíkají, že znáš
poetiku ulice.

To vyluèuje
westerny, piráty,

šílence, Bibli, Øímany...
Nejsem ten typ
that thinks poetic is fruity.

V tomhle jsme zajedno.
Taky jsem z New Yorku.
Z Minsku... když pùjdu do detailù,
which we won't
if you don't mind.

Lidi ti øeknou...
Wallace Beery, zápasy...
to je béèkový film.

Ty jim øekni... blbost!
V Capitolu nedìláme
béèkové filmy.

Skonèeme s tou pomluvou.
Díky, Lou.
Pojï k nám.
We're talking about
the Wally Beery picture.

Excellent picture.
Got a treatment on it yet?
We just bought the story.
Saturday Evening Post.
The hell with the story.
Wally Beery's a wrestler.
Give me his hopes, his dreams.
Naturally he gets mixed up
with a bad element

and a romantic interest
or else an orphan.

Lou, think Wally's too old
for a romantic interest?

Look at me.
A writer in the room,
and I'm asking Lou
about the goddamn story.

Which is it, Bart?

Both maybe?
Maybe we should do a treatment.
Let Bart take a crack at it.

He'll get into the swing of things
or I don't know writers.
Let's make it a dame.
Keep it simple.

The important thing
is we all want it to have
that Barton Fink feeling.

We all have that feeling,
but since you're Barton Fink,
I'm assuming you have it in spades.
I like you.
