Barton Fink

not to complain exactly.
I was concerned that you might--
not that it's my business--
might be in some kind of... distress.
See, I was trying to work,
and it's...

Well, it was... difficult.
I'm damned sorry
if I bothered you.

The damn walls here...
I just apologize like hell.
My name's Charlie Meadows.
I guess we're neighbors.
Barton Fink.
Neighbor, I'd feel better
about the damned inconvenience
if you let me buy you a drink.
That's all right.

Thank you.
All right, hell.
You trying to work,
me carrying on in there.
The liquor's good.
What do you say?

You got a glass?
It's the least I can do.
Okay, a quick one.
Yeah, just a nip.
I sure do forget myself sometimes.
I feel like a heel--
All the carryings-on next door.
That's okay, I assure you.
It's just I was trying to work.
What kind of work do you do, Barton,
if you don't mind my asking?

Well, I'm a writer, actually.
You don't say?
That's a tough racket.

My hat's off to you.
Damned interesting work, I'd imagine.
It's not easy, but--
Damn difficult, I'd imagine.
And what's your line, Mr.Meadows?
Hell, no, call me Charlie.
Well, Barton...
you might say I sell peace of mind.
Insurance is my game.

Human contact's the only way
to move merchandise.

In spite of what you might think,
I'm pretty good at it.

It doesn't surprise me.
I believe in it.
Fire, theft, and casualty aren't things
that only happen to other people.
Writing doesn't work out,
you may want to look into it.
Providing basic needs--
you could do worse.

I'll keep that in mind.
