
To waste on you?
Two bucks for one beer
and some phoney champagne?

Here's half a buck.
Split it between you.

Two bucks for one beer
and some phoney champagne?

- Here's half a buck.
- You're so cheap you're wholesale.

Don't forget, mister,
I asked you nice.

Rolling, quiet please.
Benny, you want to hit somebody
with a chair?

With this
I can hit home runs all night.

- Take this in case I come back.
- Can't I have a line?

Honey, he's the star.
- That was impressive, Georgie boy.
- I'm a pro.

May I?
If you want an answer,
finish the question.

- Light your cigarette?
- Sure.

I thought you were going to ask me
something a little more exciting.

- Like what?
- Use your imagination.

- I'm using it.
- Let me know when you're finished.

Is she a bit player?
Flamingo? Not for Joey Adonis.
That's Virginia Hill.

Joey's crazy. No woman is worth
a bullet between the eyes.
