Cape Fear

'cause I had to sneak it off
my parents' shelf, you know?

But his descriptions are
pretty vivid, I would say.

In one of the novels,
I don't recall which...

he describes an erection
as a piece of lead with wings on it.

- I didn't read that part.
- Of course not. You're not allowed.

Your parents don't want you
to achieve adulthood. That's natural.

They know the pitfalls of adulthood,
all that freedom.

They know it only too well.
Temptation to stray, deflecting
their guilt and anger onto you...

for a crime that's not even a crime,
for smoking grass.

Wait a second.
Where are you from?

Where am I from?
- Yeah.
- Where do you think I'm from?

I don't know, but...
If I told you,
you gonna get mad at me?

I'm from the Black Forest.
That's funny.
You're not the drama teacher,
are you?

Maybe I'm the Big Bad Wolf.
So you're that guy that's been
hanging around the house?

You're the one
that killed my mom's dog?

Your mom's dog was killed?
I didn't even know
anything about that.

That's a shame.
That's a damn shame.

Yes, it was.
What kind of dog was it?
I don't know. He was just...
He was fluffy, and...
So you didn't do that?
