Cape Fear

"I will let no man
drag me down so low...

as to make me hate him."
I will grant the restraining order...
not to validate
the malice between you...

but in the interest
of Christian harmony.

You may not come within 500 yards...
of Mr. Maximilian Cady...
until such time as the court
may lift the injunction.

King Solomon could not have
adjudicated more wisely, Your Honor.

I am so offended...
by the philistine tactics
of Mr. Bowden...

I petitioned the A.B.A.
For his disbarment...

on the grounds of moral turpitude.
Now, if you will excuse us,
my client...

come on, son...
is due back at the hospital...

for the results
of his numerous x-rays.

Kersek, I want a gun.
- I need a gun. I want a gun.
- You want a gun?

Yeah. I need a gun.
- You know anything about guns?
- No.

No, I don't believe in 'em.
I never had 'em around the house.

I'll get you a gun.
What kind you want. Now, calm down.

- Something simple I can handle.
- All right, let me see what fits you.

Forty-five, three-fifty...
Let me see your hands.

- A.38 snub-nosed special. Yeah.
- All right. Good.

That'll do it.
I can even teach you how to use it.

- Great.
- The first lesson is this:

Don't think of it as shooting a man
or trying to kill him.

- Right.
- It's an extension of your fist.

You're just reaching out
and knocking a man down... boom!

Boom. All right.
Later on we'll go out to the woods
and shoot some trees, okay?

That'd be great. Good.
What is it? What?
- Well, Sam...
- Yeah?

I give you a gun,
you pull it on Cady...
