Critters 3

Hey, come on.
Let me in.

Let him go.
Hey. Hey!

Hey, come on. He can't help
being an asshole!

What are you doing?
You're ready
to remove the bones.

Hey, come on.
He just wants to talk to you!

Leave him alone!
Let him go!

Let him go!
- Hey, what's the matter?
- They've got him.

They're tearing him apart.
They're killing him.

Who?! They've got who?
Wait. Stop, stop. Step back.

Stay back.
- Come on!
- What's going on?

Never mind.
Run! Go!

This way.
Come on.

Let's go.
No, no, wait!
I can't just leave him there.

- That guy you were with, your dad?
- Stepfather.

Listen, I don't know what the hell
is going on down there,

but I just saw
something there.

There's animals,
some kind of hungry things.

I don't know,
but he's dead, hon.

There's nothing
we can do for him.

- What's your name?
- Josh.
