Da hong deng long gao gao gua

Master! Master!
Fourth Mistress, please stop!
Why is she drinking?
She wants to drink.
Ask the First Mistress for medicine to sober her up!
Don't go to that old witch!
See how crazy you look!
People will laugh!
What is there to laugh at?
The Master likes you.
Meishan has gone to meet her good-looking doctor.
What do I have?
I've nothing! Nothing!

Where is Meishan?
She's meeting the good-looking doctor.
What do I have? Nothing!
When did the Third Mistress go out?
I don't know.
What am I afraid of? Nothing!
Big sister!
The medicine is here. Make her drink it.
I won't! I'm not drunk!
Don't just stand there! Hold that crazy woman!
Hold her down! Quick!
Get out!
Let her scream!
Let her make a fool of herself!

The Master's away and she's turned the house upside down!
