Defending Your Life

...that he must once again be returned
to Earth to work on this problem.

May we begin in childhood, please?
Could we go to...

By the way...
...this signifies you're 11 years,
four months and 19 days old.

- Is that clear?
- I think so.

In other words, if I said, 9-2-17...
:38:24 would be nine years,
two months and 17 days old.

I understand.
Realistic, isn't it, Mr. Miller?
- Look what I found.
- Give me that.

Make me.
Why don't you make me?
You can't make me
because I'll beat the shit out of you.

You couldn't.
Hit him, Daniel!
Come on!
Chicken! Hit me right here.
Come on, chicken.

Hit him, Daniel!
Stick up for yourself, low-life chicken.
That's too bad.
Come over to my house later
and I'll help you glue it back together.
