Defending Your Life

We have to go to the Past Lives Pavilion.
Everybody talks about it.

- Don't you want to see who you were?
- Some people don't like it.

You'll love it. They have great hot dogs.
The best hot dogs in town
are by the Hall of Records.

You sure love this eating thing.
To be able to eat all you want,
never gain weight and feel great. Please.

Look at this!
Let's get in line.
Reminds me of Disneyland.
Hope we're tall enough.
On Earth, did you ever feel like
you might have been other people?

- Ever see yourself in a past life?
- Never. You did?

I think so. I think I might have been
a heavyset man once.

Really? I doubt that.
You never saw yourself as anything?
Once I got stoned
and stared into a mirror for two hours...

...until I saw someone who looked Chinese.
But I think it was just me squinting.
Please take the first available booth
on the left.

The show will begin in 30 seconds.
Welcome to the Past Lives Pavilion.
In a moment, you will be asked to place
your right hand on the plate next to you.

An image of yourself in a former life
will soon appear.
