
Well, Paul? How's he doing?
These heart-lung-liver transplants are
almost routine. He'll be as good as new.

That you, Blake? Come over here, son.
- Dad.
- (groans)

Now, you do what Nurse Caldwell
tells you to, Daddy. I'll stop by later.

Blake, I'm so glad you're here.
(Carter coughs and wheezes)
- You look good, Dad.
- (groans)

I don't want Blake
to see my father any more.

If anything happens to the old fool, do you
want Blake taking over the company?

You're playing a dangerous game, Rachel.
They're the only kind worth playing.
- Cut it! Very nice.
- Was that big enough? I can give more.

- No, no, Dennis, that was fine. Thank you.
- Cos I got more!

- Am I good in this?
- Really, really good.

- Feels perfect. I feel very strong.
- No, it was perfect.

- It's strong. It's strong.
- It's not in the lines.

- You've gotta play the moment. That's it.
- You had some wonderful moments.

- I thought it was over between them.
- I think he just got his key back.

- Good scene. Really. Great scene.
- Oh, you think so?

- Oh, yeah. Do you have a minute, Laura?
- For you, always.

Thanks. I was wondering if you read the
new bible. With the Jack Gates character.

- Oh, yes. I love it.
- Really?

- It's very good.
- Great!

It works beautifully for the rest of the cast.
Oh, thanks. The rest of the cast?
To be honest, I don't think the audience
will accept Rachel as a working girl.

You said you wanted to do something
with more depth. It'd be good for you.

I hope you're not upset.
