Grand Canyon

- Down near the Forum,
- Oh, shit,

- Roberto.
- On Manchester?

No, no. Like an idiot, l took a short cut
and got all turned around.

- You've never been where l broke down.
- (Roberto) Shit! Are you outta there now?

- Yeah, l'm at a gas station.
- (wife) Good,

You're lucky you got out with your life.
- Roberto, could l talk?
- See you tomorrow, Dad.

Good night, pal,
- Do you want me to come and get you?
- No, If they don't fiinish it, l'll take a cab,

l'll tell you all about my adventure
in the morning.

Adventure? Mack, what happened?
Are you all right?

l'm fine. Go to bed, honey.
- l love you.
- Love you, too,

You can go swimmin' in the ocean every day
and be perfectly cool, you know.

Then one day, just one particular day,
you bump into the big shark.

The big shark don't hate you.
He's got no feelin' for you at all.

You look like food to him.
You don't hate a hamburger, do you?

Those boys back there,
they got nothin' to lose.

lf you just happen to be swimmin' along
and bump into 'em, well...

lt might not be worth worryin' about.
lt's like bein' in a plane crash.

Well, that's comforting.
l'm glad you brought that up.

There just seems to be
so many ways to buy it.

Particularly in this city.
l'm amazed at the end of each day
that anybody's alive.

Then other days l think
maybe people aren't so fragile.

Things have always been kind of brutal,
and people just keep on going.

You ever been to the Grand Canyon?
