Grand Canyon

The touch thing.
Where there's somebody to touch you,
real nice and gentle.

- lt doesn't have to be that gentle.
- Whatever.

Jane, do you ever feel
like you're just this far...

..from being completely
hysterical 24 hours a day?

Half the people l know feel that way.
The lucky ones feel that way.
The rest of the people
are hysterical 24 hours a day.

- Claire, l'm here.
- Hi, Mack.

You forgot to bring in the mail.
There's something here from Carol.

Mack, come on up here.
l wanna show you something.

ls something wrong?
- Whose is it?
- She's beautiful, isn't she?

ls that the Wilson kid?
- Who?
- l don't know.

- What do you mean?
- l don't know who the parents are.

Come on, Claire. Don't make me guess.
Where did it come from?
