Grand Canyon

- You're kinda big, aren't you?
- You look like you about ready to play.

Maybe. l wanna see you shoot
from the outside.

Mack, what made you
get me together with Jane?

Dumbness, l guess. Compulsion
to stick my nose where it doesn't belong.

- Has it ended badly?
- lt hasn't ended at all.

She's the best thing
that's happened to me in a long time.

Really? No shit?
Yeah, so there you go, my friend.
Sometimes things work.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

OK, then. To 20. Take it out from back there.
Winner takes it out.

You sure? You might not
get a chance to shoot.

You're goin' down.
That is so cool about you and Jane.
Yeah, it's cool. That's why l came out here.
l thought of a way to thank you.

- You don't have to thank me.
- l have an idea.

- l thought of something l could do for you.
- You don't have to do anything. Play ball.

That's why l came out here. Cos l thought of
a way just to let you know l appreciate you...

..for introducing me to Jane.
End of the line, folks.
