Guilty by Suspicion

I better get going.
I'm going back to teaching.
I'll be a sub again, but it's a start.
RUTH: I'll get a small apartment.
It'll save on rent.
How will Paulie take this?
New school, new friends?

He'll be okay.
I'll get a picture. Don't worry.
I'm sorry.
DAVID: What did the lawyer say?
Why should I see a lawyer?
I start having meetings, rumors start.
-Then they will call me.
-They are going to call you.

He asked about you.
What's happened to me will happen to you.

-No, it won't.
-Like hell. I'm telling you.

I hope you're making a lot.
You'll need a good lawyer.

DAVID: What is this?
BUNNY: Retsina.
Greek wine?
Why not drink mescal and go all the way.

BUNNY: I'm scared shitless.
DAVID: Maybe it's the retsina.

I mean it.
I am too. Everybody is.
If you're so scared, why did you come back?
You come back, then you get named.
Think I wanted to get named?
Then I get named.
Then Joe gets named.
What are you saying?
BUNNY: Nothing.
DAVID: You think I would name you?

You're my oldest and dearest friend.
Forget I said it.
DAVID: How can I forget it?
BUNNY: What am I supposed to think?
