Guilty by Suspicion

DAVID: Was it a year ago?
You sold it? Good for you.
Who did you sell it to?
Julie Eagle.
I've been holding for Mr. Eagle
for a long time.

He's what? How could he be gone?
You told me to hold all this time.

Bogart? Definitely I can deliver him.
He loved my last picture.
He's a fan. A big, big fan.

Check with his agent.
Just check with him.
Call him. Can you call him tonight?
Don't forget.
[Phone rings]
CABBIE: It's not a moving van!
DAVID: Put it on the roof! I'll pay you.
CABBIE: Rent a truck!

DAVID: You fucking guys
are so independent now?

Hi, Paulie. I'm on my way.
I'm on my way. What am I doing?
I'm telling the driver he's an asshole.

No, don't tell Mommy I said that.
I'll be right there. Be patient.
Big shot.
ANCHORMAN: Convicted Communist spies
Julius and Ethel Rosenberg on Death Row...

...are condemned to die in the electric chair
for espionage against the U.S.

Their sons Michael, 9, and Robert, 5,
visited today...
