Ain't you giving me something
to let people know I'm your man?
We're gonna be late.
Come on, let's go.
When I was in the house,
I was just thinking.
What, Play?
Is school really worth
breaking up a team like we got?
What are you talking about?
Could you keep your feet
on the mat?
Oh, sorry.
This is a great day
for First Corinthians Church.
- Amen.
- Amen.
A great day for this community.
But most important, a great day
for young Christopher.
We are very proud of you.
You have suffered the tragic
loss of your father...
but you have not lost your way.
We are proud because
you have taken the high road...
and not the low road...
unlike some
of our other youngsters...
who shall remain nameless.
we are sending one young man...
from this fortress of Jesus
to a citadel of higher learning.
In honor of his father
Who was loved by this church
Christopher Robinson Jr.
Why don't you come on up?
I want to thank all of you...
for making it possible for me
to go to college.
That was my pop's dream.
I know if he were here,
he'd be very proud of me...