
We know one was the fatal head shot
that killed Kennedy.

So a single bullet remains.
A single bullet must account for the seven
wounds in Kennedy and Connally.

Rather than admit to a conspiracy
or investigate further...

...the Warren Commission
endorsed the theory...

...put forth by an ambitious attorney,
Arlen Spector.

One of the grossest lies ever forced
on the American people.

Is known as the "magic bullet" theory.
The magic bullet...
...enters the Presidens back,
headed downward at a 17-degree angle.

It then moves upwards to leave Kennedy's
body from the front of his neck...

...wound #2...
...where it waits 1.6 seconds...
...presumably in midair,
where it turns right, then left...

...right, then left...
...and continues
into Connally's right armpit.

Wound #3.
The bullet then heads down at an angle
of 27 degrees, shattering his rib...

...and exiting from the right side
of his chest. Wound #4.

The bullet turns right, reentering
Connally's body at his right wrist.

Wound #5.
Shattering the radius bone...
...the bullet exits Connally's wrist,
wound #6...

...makes a dramatic U-turn,
then buries itself in Connally's left thigh.

Wound #7, from which it later falls out...
...and is found
in almost pristine condition...

...on a stretcher in a corridor
of Parkland Hospital.

Some bullet.
Any combat vet can tell you,
never in the history of gunfire...

...has there been a bullet this ridiculous.
The government says it can prove it
with some fancy physics in a nuclear lab.

Of course they can.
Theoretical physics can prove
an elephant can hang from a cliff...

...with his tail tied to a daisy.
But use your eyes, your common sense.
