Johnny Stecchino

I know, sorry.
I won't ask you anymore.

But men have no patience,
you know, and sometimes I make mistakes..

- Come on, pants off !
- No, not the pants ! I'm ashamed..

I'll take them off.
Stop it !

I'll take them off.. Slowly !
Maria ! I'd like to know
everything about you..

- About your family..
- I have no family.

- I live with an old uncle of mine.
- An old uncle of yours ?

What a wonderful day
I spent with you !

I want to see you every day
I'll organise everything.

I'll take you around town all day.
Today was so good..

We'll play a game.
"I'm the Minister's wife !"
"Show us your Ministry !"

It's a funny game Maria,
I'll show you that.

Tomorrow I'll call in sick.
I'll take the whole day off..

:31:07 we can stay together,

A man shouldn't say that, Maria,
but I'll tell you all the same..

We don't know each other too well,
..but I love you very very very much.
She is silly, it's the hen..
..when she plays ..with the goose !

- Bye.. but when did she leave ?
- She left this morning.
