La Frontera

my life depends on you, air.
Remember that l'm down below.
lf and you suddenly stop pumping
and my air"s cut off,
l'm screwed!
Ma'am, l haven't had a hot meal
for 36 hours.

My name is Ramiro Orellana.
l have no money now,
they gave me no time to get any,
but l"m expecting some,
it'll arrive soon and l can...

Sure you can have a nip,
everyone's got a right
to a little nip,

but you're drinking yourself to death.
You'll die, and kill me too!
Thank you
l'm warning you for the last time
this is dangerous
We've worked together for 20 years
and l've never talked to you like this...
But l have to do it now
My skin was getting blue
last time l went down!!
l pulled like mad
but you wouldn't pump shit
You hear what l said? Did you?
l say, did you get it?
shit, what the hell?!!
My assistand is dead!!
