La Frontera

You speak English?
No. And you?
Me neither. A pity.
l found something important
in a magazine at the library.

But it's in English.
So how do you know it's important?
lt's obvious.
You knew we had a tidal wave?
l was a kid then.
But l remember the tidal wave.

First, the water flooded the town
very slowly.
Then the earth shook
and there was a thick fog.

That night, a huge wave engulfed
the whole town,

then the water drained away as if
you'd pulled the plug in a bathtub,

sweeping away everything in its path.
Where did all that water go?
''From a void comes nothingness''
as Father Patricio says.

There must be a hole.
Or two seas connected by a hole.
l wouldn't know.
l'll explain.
lf the ocean bed
is like a blocked lavatory,
where does
the excess water come from?

Rainfall isn't enough for a tidal wave.
There's the tides,
continental shift...
l looked into that, too.
There was a tidal wave here
and in Japan at the same time.

l know where Japan is from the map.
lf it was the tides,
the volume of water would be the same.

lf the level rose there,
it would drop here.

But it rose there and here.
Can't be the same volume!
