Life Stinks

is prepared to pay
11p to $4 biulon...

to own this worthless
pile of refuse. Am I right?

Well. we would never presume
to question your genius...

for financial wizardry. sir.
but why?

Gentlemen. the ultimate
achievement of my life--

Bolt Center.
It's absolutely visionary.

Gentlemen. you'll never know...
how mllch this project
excites me.

Mr. Bolt. you have
a surprise visitor.

-Who is it?
-Vance CrassWell. sir.

CrassWell? Damn it!
Thank you. Let's go.
Excuse me.
Am I interrupting?
I'm interrupting.
I'm interrupting.

I should Ieave. Should I Ieave?
I'm gonna Ieave.

Can I come in?
Hello. Vance.
You know my attorneys--

Pritchard. KnowIes. Stevens.
The three wise men.
Hiya. feIIas. What's going on?

Oh. my God!
Oh. my God! Someone eIse's idea
of what to do...

with the downtown slum district.
Would you beI--
Why didn't they teII me Goddard
Bolt owned the other half?

I never would have bought it.
No one beats Goddard Bolt...

when it comes to financiaI
wheeIing and deaIing.

Now. Look.
I'm in way over my head here.

I'm sorry to have
wasted your time. Gentlemen.

Mr. Bolt...
Can I ask you a question?
Let me buy your half
of the property.

I'll give you $2 biIIion...
4o/o of the profit
for the next twenty years.


