Life Stinks

I didn't know
anybody was under there.

I aIways go here.
I thought I saw someone...
but then I thought it was
a frigment of my imagination.

Why don't you Look first?
Yeah. you're right.
You're right. Sorry.

You aImost hit me.
That's disgusting.

It is?
Yes. it is! Why don't you
use a handkerchief?

I ain't got a handkerchief.

I don't think
I ever had a handkerchief.

Here. take this.
Gee. thanks. Nobody down here
ever gives you nothing.

You're all right.
What are you doing?
-''P-e-p-t-o. Pepto.''

It's hard to read backwards.
but that's what it says.

You must have sIept
on a Pepto-BismoI box.

-Don't rub it off. It's nice.

It's a nice name. Pepto.
I'm SaiIor.

Everybody calls me SaiIor
'cause I was nearly in the navy.

That's nice.
They wouldn't take me 'cause
they said I had pIeuriIsy.

Very nice meeting you.
-Bye-bye. Nice to see you.

-I just gave you a handkerchief.
-Yeah. but it's got initiaIs.

You can't bIow snot in initiaIs.
-See you.
-Yeah. See you.

Excuse me. I wonder...
could you teII me where
I could get something to eat?

Don't ask me. I don't know where
my next meaI's coming from.

Get the hell out of here!
I told all you goddamn bums!
