Life Stinks

See? Still unused.
Pepto. I'd Like you
to say hello to my friend Fumes.

Man. oh. man! Stewed stew.
-You get it?
-I get it.

I'm gonna get some bread.
Anybody want anything?

-Yeah. Get me some whoIe wheat.
-ALL right. baby.

Excuse me.
I hate to be so impulsive...

but you have a Little bit
of corn right on your cheek.

Oh. thanks. Is it gone?
No. you've moved it up
to your cheekbone.

Is it gone?
It's right in the bridge
of your nose now.

Did I get it?
Yeah. you got it.
Here you go. MoIIy. ALL right.
Hey. man.
You got a piece of corn
on your face.

Anybody finished here?
-I am.
-Thank you.

Thanks. Pops.
Pops ain't gonna be around Iong.
-His eIevens are up.

His eIevens.
Look at the back of his neck.

See them two cords sticking out?
They make Like an eIeven.

Once they're up. that's it.
He's a goner.
