Life Stinks

Bye-bye. chiIdren. I Iove you.
Have a safe trip.

And remember. this is
a new start. No drinking!

And no drugs!
And above aII. no infideIity!
Shut up!
I didn't say that much.

Take it easy.
Can you beIieve that in
the middIe of all this fiIth...

two Lost souls could find
some smail shred of happiness?

Happiness? What a crock.
See you after the honeymoon.
Lady! You got a job.
you keep it!

Don't make my mistake.
You had a job?
A job?
I had a career.
I was a dancer.
and a good one...

before I gave it up
when I got married!

You were married?
Oh. you bet I was married.
I was married to Tom--
Tom Terrific.

Sure. Tom.
Anything you want. Tom.

You want it now. Tom?
Oh. sure. Tom. Go ahead. Tom.
Finished aIready. Tom?

No. I don't mind. Tom.
Where you going. Tom?
You wash up. Tom.
I'll finish by myseIf. Tom!

Where did you go. Tom?
You didn't Ieave a note. Tom.
I'm all aIone here. Tom.
