Madonna: Truth or Dare

You know it's a bad sign when
they want you to go on half an hour early.

It's fine. We've got °/° of an hour.
No, but, you know,
we're in a conservative town.

And that is another reason
to not wanna live in Chicago.

Aside from the fact
that Oprah Winfrey lives here.

(man) Oh, T-shirt!
Slam, do you want a T-shirt?
(Madonna) I think I've
unconsciously chosen people

that are emotionally
crippled in some way,

or who need mothering
in some way, because

I think it comes very natural to me.
It fulfils, I think,
a need in me to be mothered.

OK, wait a second, you guys.
Does Jose love me more
than I love him? It's not possible.

- Yes.
- No!

You know what it is to come
after rehearsal to our hotel room

and guess what this child pumps?
Get up off the floor.
Don't ever leave me!
Their innocence.
The innocence ofthe dancers moved me.

They're notjaded in the least.
They haven't been anywhere.

This was the opportunity oftheir lives.
And I know they've suffered
a great deal in their lives,

whether with their families,
orjust being poor, or whatever.

And I wanted to give
them the thrill oftheir lives.

I wanted to impress them, to love them.
Coitus interrupted.
Yes, hi, I'd like to leave a message.
Someone is coming.

My father is coming
from New Orleans or whatever

and he's gonna be here in 20 minutes.
So when he comes could you let him...
I haven't seen him in five years!

This is not important to you,
but I don't care.

Let him park in the front, please,
cos I don't want no valet parking.

I just want him to come straight up
cos I haven't seen him in a long time.
