My Own Private Idaho

- Tell us why.
- You can tell 'em. Go on and tell 'em.

- Upon compulsion?
- [ Woman ] Come on, Bob.

Not for you or I or all the rest of the world
would I tell you...

on compulsion!
I will no longer
be guilty of this sin!

This sanguine coward,
this horseback-breaker...

this huge hill of jelly!
[ Groaning ]
[ Barking ]
[ Bob ]
Punk.! You starfiish.!

Oh, for breath to utter what lies
of a tailor's yardstick!

You boot case.! You vile punk.!
Breathe a while, and then do it again.
But hear me out.
We two saw you four set upon five.
And, Bob...
you carried yourself
away at the slightest noise.

And roared for mercy. And ran and roared
as ever I heard a bull calf.

[ Laughing ]
What trick,
what device can you find...

to hide from this open
and apparent shame?

[ Mike ]

What new trick
do you have for us now, Bob?

[ Laughing ]
Good Lord, lads.
I know you as well as
he that made you.

Do you think that I would
kill the heir apparent?

Do you think I would turn on you, Scotty?
Why, you're our only ticket
out of this poverty and oppression.

I am as valued as Hercules.
But beware my instinct.
The lion will not touch the true heir.
