Naked Lunch

Holy shit. That machine doesn't
belong to me. It's Tom Frost's.

My God, Lee...
Surely you know better than to bring
an enemy agent into your own home.

You gave me no choice. You were giving her
access to your innermost vulnerabilities...

forcing them on her,
for God's sake!

But what am I gonna tell him?
What's your assessment of the situation?
Did Frost know that his machine
was an Interzonal agent?

He, uh - He and his wife
appear to have a close connection...

with the indigenous population here.
His wife.
Yeah, yeah!

Of course!
The key is Joan Frost.

You will seduce her, and you will discover
the substance of her report...

and deliver it directly to me.
Seduce her?
But what about -

What about Kiki and
the Interzone boys? My cover.

It'll work beautifully, Bill.
The opposition will be thrown into total confusion.
