New Jack City

What's up, baby? Glad to see
somebody cares about the needy.

Why don't you give me a turkey?
Look at your funky black ass.
First you want to be a stick-up kid.

But then you got shot.
Now you's a basehead.

You're messed up. Your life is crap.
I know I look like stir-fried shit.
Hook me up with some food.
There's a line. You got to wait.
Give this man something to eat.
Hook me up.
This all I get?
You want more?
I'm a veteran.
Here. How's that, all right?
Clean yourself up,
maybe I'll give you a job.

All right, man.
Want to buy a turkey?
I'm going to keep an eye on him.
You don't deserve that turkey.
I hooked you up for that last get-high.

Why I got to be owing you?
I was prom queen of King High School.
This is beneath me.
You were the prom queen.
Now you're the prom fiend.

Look at you.
Hey what?
Didn't I hook you up?
Didn't I walk those 6 blocks...

:26:17 get that pipe from that Iranian
who tried to beat me out of $5?

Didn't I speak to your mother after
the bitch called me a homeless bastard?

Add all that up...
...and the fact that I'm a man who can
beat your ass, I say it's my turkey.

Get away! Get the fuck away!
Stop beating on her! Stop it!
Let go of me, man.
You chump! Beat her up over a turkey.
You're a poor excuse for a brother.

Shit, man! Fuck! Shit!
It's a cop! It's a cop!
